International Vacation
Confidence Index

Are people still planning to travel this winter? How much does an average household spend on winter vacation? And how important is winter vacation?

Allianz Partners’ International Vacation Confidence Index reveals winter holiday travel trends from surveying over 9,000 people across 9 countries: France, Germany, UK, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, and the USA. Conducted in November 2021 by the polling firm OpinionWay, the survey looks at travel intentions, destinations, spending and travel confidence.

The key trends:

  • A majority of European and American holidaymakers intend to travel this winter
  • The importance of winter vacation varies per country
  • The outlook for foreign travel is most positive in Switzerland and the Netherlands
  • Spending intent varies: American holidaymakers plan to spend 3 times more than Italians
  • The health crisis continues to worry travelers


International Vacation Confidence Index 2021 infographic part 1
International Vacation Confidence Index 2021 infographic part 2

If you would like to find out more about Allianz Partners’ International Vacation Confidence Index, please get in touch:

Wellcom:  / +33(0)1 46 34 60 60